A little background...

I've always had a fascination with all things old. As a kid you could often find me rummaging through my grandmother's closet begging her not to get rid of anything. It's a well known fact in my family that you "MUST ask Courtney!" before throwing anything out. Thankfully my interest in old things has become a little more fine tuned and I haven't turn into a hoarder!...yet

Vivian Elise Vintage all started with one sad looking dress. Then there was a spark, a lot of research, hard work, and out of nowhere I found my passion. There's just something about finding a dress that most people would overlook and restoring it back to it's former beauty!

I'm happy to have finally found my niche and lucky to get to use my love of art, photography, and new found sewing skills all at the same time! 

I'm dedicated to finding only the best and most unique vintage around. All my gowns are cleaned, restored, as well as redesigned and updated for the modern bride. 

So here's to all thing glorious and vintage. Cheers.
